Your ASRC Club Welfare Officer (CWO)
Aldershot Ski Race Club (ASRC) is committed to Safeguarding the Welfare of children, young people and adults who engage in all Snowsports activities. We have adopted Snowsport Englands 2 Safeguarding Policies as the standard set by the National Governing Body for snowsport in England. The SnowSafe Safeguarding Policies for Adults, Children and Young People are set out below and everyone involved in the activities of Snowsport England must abide by them. Find the SnowSafe policies, our SnowSafe Toolkit and other resources here.
Stuart Greenland is the ASRC Club Welfare Officer and is available to discuss any concerns or worries you may have. Contact him face to face or via email asrc.cwo@gmail.com or 07538733126.
We are Affiliated to Snowsport England and they have a Safeguarding Webpage for information and you can raise concerns with them directly by filling in the online proforma - Raise a Safeguarding Concern
Safeguarding & Welfare Policy
2024 SnowSafe Children Policy - Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy
SnowSafe Adults Policy – Safeguarding Adults Policy
SnowSafe Adults Procedures – Safeguarding Adults’ Procedures
Kidscape 020 7730 3300 email info@kidscape.org.uk Or Parent Advice Line 020 7823 5430
ChildLine – (for children to use) 0800 1111 www.childline.org.uk
NSPCC Helpline - (for children or adults) 0808 800 5000
Photography and filming Best practice guidance
Guidance on reporting a concern
Supportive links
Snowsport England Safeguarding Page
Should you wish to see any of our policies or have any concerns around safeguarding at the club please contact our Club Welfare Officer, Stuart Greenland, at asrc.cwo@gmail.com

My Story
My son is Sam Greenland and he has brought me into the world dry slope and Alpine Ski Racing. We have been to most slopes in the UK to compete in GBR/CN/SSS/LSERSA/ERSA events and across to Europe for all of the Children's Races in U10 / U12 / U14.
Contact Stuart as the ASRC CWO
Please contact me on any welfare issue and also see the great support material from Snow Sports England as our governing body.
07538 733126